The Reality Blog: How To Avoid “Desperation Creep” In Your Web-Writing Business

6 Responses

  1. I know exactly the feeling you’re talking about. About 8 months ago I had a sudden urge to pack it in and get a “real job.” I felt overwhelmed and lost… but I didn’t entertain the thought for long.

    A couple things helped me. First, remembering what it was like to have a job and report to a boss. Even when I enjoyed the work, and I actually enjoyed just about everything I did pre-copywriting (flight attendant, valet, waiter, mailman, etc) I never was comfortable with other people telling me what to do. I’ve hated that since I was a kid.

    But the biggest help was finding my mastermind/support group (formed at bootcamp and the web intensive). Whenever any of us start to get down or has a dry streak, which both seems to be inevitable, the other members of the group are there to say, “Dude, you rock. You’ll be back in no time.”

    Having a group, or even just one person supporting you, can snap you out of a funk in a second and you start to think, “you know what? That’s right. I do rock at this.” And then your back, focused and ready to move ahead.

    1. You DO rock, Henry – absolutely!

      I went through the same thing about a year after going freelance. I actually went as far as applying for a job and showing up to two interviews, all the while hearing a voice in my ear that said, “What the hell are you doing? Don’t give this up!”

      You’re SO right about the support/mastermind group. If I hadn’t gone to Bootcamp and the Web Intensive and met real people who shared my dreams, I think I’d be a very sad lady who DEFINITELY wouldn’t have made it this far.

      And man, can I relate to disliking it when people tell you what to do! I went to a military boarding school in high school and seriously got my share of that. I’ll have to tell you more about that someday. Maybe that’s what prompted me to go all crazy independent – and thank goodness for that!

      Keep up the awesomeness,

  2. Mindy! This was a very good post as it openly admits that freelancing can also have its negatively challenging side at times. I agree with Henry that the most helpful thing in this situation is the encouragement of others. Another REALLY GREAT tool that can help in this situation – and in the long run to avoid desperation creep – is the Sedona Method.
    Here’s to a rewarding and productive summer!
    Janet Runeson

    1. Hey Janet!

      What a cool link – thanks for sharing. I’m a big fan of the Secret and all the people featured in it, so this is great to know about. And I’ll confess, I’m a fan of all things Sedona. My grandmother lived there while I was growing up, so I have lovely memories of the place.

      And I’m right there with you – knowing we all go through the occasional desperate episode of despair makes SUCH a difference! There’s nothing like the support of someone who has been there, or is there, and who can flat-out RELATE.

      Good to hear from you – and good luck on a great summer, too!


  3. Great post Mindy! I’ve gotten some early clients these last couple months and worked a barter (per the April challenge, thanks!) but I just submitted a website rewrite page to my (only, so far) ongoing client and I just have the feeling she didn’t love it. Hmm….well, I keep telling myself this is just part of the process. It’ll get worked out.
    And yes, I need a mastermind group! Anyone want to be a part of one? Contact me 🙂

    Thanks again, Jen Phillips April

    1. Hi Jen!

      First off, AWESOME! Congrats on the new clients and on the barter – that totally makes my day. Good for you for going for it.

      I can completely relate to submitting things that don’t feel quite right, though a few times, believe it or not, that’s actually HELPED my relationship with a client. In one case, I wrote in shortly after to remind the client that all feedback, good or bad, would be welcomed, that revisions were free of charge, and that I’d be happy to tweak it.

      I think this freed her up to tell me what she really thought of it, plus I got the feeling she appreciated the door to communication it opened – because after that, she started giving me a lot more work. She also started commenting a lot more on my work, on both the bad and good.

      You know, I can think of a lot of people ready for a mastermind group. Let me put out some “feelers” to see whether we can get something started.

      Take care!

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