Public Archive

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Member Update:
Find Clients at Local Events

You can find great writing clients by attending local events, and your shared location can give you an edge. Discover three easy steps to start using this marketing strategy.

Recent Articles

Common Email Mistakes and
How to Avoid Them

Making these common mistakes in email marketing is likely to result in lower conversions and engagement. See how you can help your client avoid email mistakes and rely on best practices instead.

Member Update: A Simple Plan

When it comes to marketing your writing services, the best plans are the ones you’ll stick to. And often a simple plan is what makes that possible. So, give this simple approach to LinkedIn a try.

Spatial Computing Offers Powerful Storytelling Tools

If the idea of combining emerging technology with immersive storytelling sounds fascinating, then the possibilities offered by spatial computing will be something you want to explore.

Member Update: Don’t Lose Track

Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels in your writing business? Try this journaling process to help you build your momentum by keeping better track of your progress.

AI Updates for the Average Writer

It’s been a year since AI tools become the talk of the town. Check out tips for using AI as a freelance writer. [Including use cases.]