This is a great topic for thoughtful deliberation. What exactly is your exposure as a writer? Where are the risks and what do you have to lose? One thing you didn’t mention- what is your business’s legal structure: LLC, sole proprietor, neither? Knowing your personal liability risks, based on how you set up your business might make a difference in the decision to get insurance or not.
Thank you! I really am enjoying writing articles like this. I did think of the issue with business structure, but my research uncovered such a can of worms that it deserves it’s own article, if not a whole series!
At the end of the day, the bottom line is we should probably get professional help from a business lawyer and an accountant. Another great resource is It’s an organization of retired business owners who volunteer their time to help new businesses get started. They have local chapters in every state.
3 Responses
This is a great topic for thoughtful deliberation. What exactly is your exposure as a writer? Where are the risks and what do you have to lose? One thing you didn’t mention- what is your business’s legal structure: LLC, sole proprietor, neither? Knowing your personal liability risks, based on how you set up your business might make a difference in the decision to get insurance or not.
Thank you! I really am enjoying writing articles like this. I did think of the issue with business structure, but my research uncovered such a can of worms that it deserves it’s own article, if not a whole series!
At the end of the day, the bottom line is we should probably get professional help from a business lawyer and an accountant. Another great resource is It’s an organization of retired business owners who volunteer their time to help new businesses get started. They have local chapters in every state.