Reality Blog: Shortcuts, Client Affordability, and ChatGPT

4 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing! I also love ChatGPT and have had hundreds of conversations with mine. The other night I had a long Q&A about trending topics and what information is most asked about for each one, here’s the response:

    Which trending topics are consumers most curious about? What types of inquiries are often
    made by consumers of these topics?


    Hello Jeanne,
    Trending topics that consumers are most curious about can vary depending on the industry, region, and current events, but some overarching themes often emerge. Here’s a breakdown:

    1. Inquiries: How do 5G, IoT, or AI work? Is my data secure? What are the best devices to buy?

    Environment & Sustainability
    1. Inquiries: How do I recycle effectively? What companies have sustainable practices? How do
    electric vehicles compare to traditional ones?

    Health & Wellness
    1. Inquiries: What’s the latest on COVID-19? How effective are different diets or fitness
    regimens? What are the benefits of mental health care?
    Personal Finance
    1. Inquiries: How to invest in stocks or cryptocurrency? What’s the best way to save for
    retirement? How do credit scores work?

    Entertainment & Media
    1. Inquiries: What are the top shows to watch? How do different streaming services compare?
    Who are the upcoming artists or authors?

    Home & Lifestyle
    1. Inquiries: What are the latest home decor trends? How to effectively work from home? What
    are easy recipes for a busy life?

    Travel & Leisure
    1. Inquiries: What are the safest destinations to travel to during the pandemic? How to travel
    on a budget? What are the must-see sights in a particular location?

    Gig Economy (which might be of particular interest to you)
    1. Inquiries: What are the best platforms for freelancing? How to maximize earnings on
    rideshare platforms? What are the tax implications?

    Consumers are often looking for how-to guides, comparison charts, expert opinions, and user
    reviews when they explore these topics. They also appreciate content that cuts through the noise and provides actionable insights. I hope this information gives you a thorough overview of what’s trending and what consumers are looking to know.
    Best, ChatGPT

    1. Yes, some of my best “conversations” with Chat start with random questions. And then just following the rabbit trails.

  2. I had forgot all about chatGPT. I get stuck in my head trying to do my Method assignments so perfect that I lose interest and then it drags on. That is because I go do something else. When I could use ChatGPT to help fill in my thoughts smooth out my sentence structure and be able to make sense quickly and to the point.
    Thank you for you examples.

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