Social Media Articles

Do you like to write conversationally? Interact with people? Move at a fast pace? Social media writers are the masters of conversational copy done in a small space with a lot of interaction. Here, you’ll learn more about working in different social media platforms and about writing for social media in general.

Use This Social Media Channel to Stand Out From the Crowd

See how using Pinterest lets you offer potential advertisers on your Money-Making Website exposure to an untapped social media channel. Andrew Murray shares how he has built a following on Pinterest and how he’s leveraged his audience to earn attention from his niche market.

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21 Ways to Fill Your Blog

Setting up a blog is easy. Keeping it going is the tough part. But not when you know where to find ideas. Here, you’ll find 21 ways to fill your blog.

Roving Report: How to Make Money as a Social Media Expert

Social media is all about user-generated content, sharing, and interacting. Site users generate the content, not publishers, broadcasters, or movie-makers. Besides creating the content, social media site users share it, interact, and determine what’s important. Every company is aware of social media, but few of them know what to do about it. If your clients haven’t asked you about it yet, they will.