All Articles by Rebekah Mays

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No Client Results? Follow These 7 Steps

Few things demonstrate your value as a writer better than the results you’ve gotten for clients. Use these seven steps to strengthen your own marketing.

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Easy Ways to Apply EEAT to Your Blog Posts

Google search results are competitive. One way to rank better is to produce outstanding content. See how to use Google’s E-E-A-T recommendations for better results and more traffic

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Business Challenge: Launch Your Lead Magnet

When you launch your lead magnet, you set yourself up for a lot of good things to happen. Your list will grow. Your reputation, too. And your income, as well.

Business Challenge: Fix Your Follow-Up

When you fix your follow-up, you’ll help marketers know you’re serious about offering your services, give them additional information about your level of professionalism, and help them see you believe in the value you offer.