As a copywriter, it’s challenging to navigate the difficulties of the industry. You face tight deadlines, writer’s block, and creative slumps that can hinder your success.
You can get so caught up in the day-to-day stuff that you don’t make time to work toward your Wildly Important Goal (WIG).
That’s where your Copywriting Cheer Squad comes in. It can be a game-changer in your career.
I’ve been part of such a squad for over three years now, and it’s made such a difference.
In this article, we’ll discuss what a Copywriting Cheer Squad is, why it’s essential to your success, how to set it up, and what format or agenda the group should follow. And you’ll even hear from two of the other copywriters in my squad a bit later in this piece.
Reimagining the Mastermind Group as a Copywriting Cheer Squad
Everything you typically hear about mastermind groups is wrong.
When you hear the term “mastermind group,” it’s often referring to an exclusive group led by a guru where members pay a premium to be a part of it.
However, the original concept of a mastermind group was introduced by Napoleon Hill in his book, The Laws of Success, in 1925, which was later condensed into the far more popular, Think and Grow Rich, in 1937.
In Hill’s version, the mastermind group is a peer-to-peer support group, where members share a common goal and work together to achieve it.
This is the basis for a Copywriting Cheer Squad.
Why You Need a Copywriting Cheer Squad:
The Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Support

So, why is a Copywriting Cheer Squad essential to your success? The answer is simple: Your squad is your support system.
As a copywriter, you spend a lot of time working alone. It can be challenging to stay motivated or get feedback on your work.
According to Dan Kennedy, most people allow people into their lives who cause them distress. Kennedy tells you how to deal with this in The Best of No B.S.: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Anthology:
“The [solution] is the assembly and organization of your own small cadre of exceptionally competent, highly creative, extraordinarily reliable and trustworthy individuals who are in sync and harmony with you and your objectives, who facilitate and even multiply your wealth attraction power.” (p. 366).
Your Copywriting Cheer Squad can be that “small cadre” for you.
Members of your squad can share their experiences, offer resources, and help you identify opportunities that can help you grow your business.
Susie Taylor (, from my squad, is a copy and content writer specializing in serving coaches and small businesses. She says, “We really came together when we started treating each other like friends, rather than strangers who were put in a room together.”
Our Copywriting Cheer Squad writers have survived a pandemic together, along with the other more mundane trials and tribulations of freelancing. While most of our squad are in the U.S., I’m in Australia, and for some time we had a member from Nigeria.
Setting Up Your Copywriting Cheer Squad:
Defining Goals, Finding Members, and Establishing Guidelines
Now that we’ve covered the importance of a Copywriting Cheer Squad, let’s discuss how to set it up.
Sarah Miller ( is a copy and content writer for brands, stores, and tour operators that bring people to outdoor adventures. She was the person who set up the squad I’m a part of.
She says, “I was in one of AWAI’s courses at that time, and they spoke about the usefulness of accountability groups.”
Miller put up a post in the Circle of Success Facebook Group that basically said, “I’m looking to start an accountability group with some fellow copywriters, who is interested?”
From there, we started meeting on a weekly basis. That was three years ago, and we’re still meeting on a weekly basis.
So, how do you go about it yourself?
The first step is to identify the Wildly Important Goal you want support to achieve.
Once you have your goal, you can target potential squad members whose goals are aligned with yours. Look for people who share your values, have similar goals, and have skills that complement your own.
Social media groups (such as our Digital Copywriter Facebook Group, AWAI’s Bootcamp, networking events, and online communities) are excellent places to find potential squad members.
Once you’ve identified potential members, reach out to them and explain your idea for a squad.
Share your WIG and ask if they’re interested in being a part of a group where you support them in achieving their goals while they do the same for you.
Consider having a screening process to ensure members are a good fit for the group.
Squad Size and Dynamics:
Striking a Balance for Productivity and Engagement

The ideal squad size depends on your goal and the group’s dynamics.
A group of four to six members is a good size.
Too many members can make it challenging to coordinate schedules and give everyone a chance to take part.
If you have only two people, when life gets in the way, you’ll skip meetings and eventually stop meeting at all.
Once you have your squad, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines and expectations. This includes how often the group will meet, what the format will be, and how you’ll hold each other accountable.
Structuring Your Meetings:
Agenda Items and Best Practices for Successful Collaboration
Last, let’s talk about the format or agenda for your Copywriting Cheer Squad meetings.
You should structure the agenda to ensure everyone shares their progress, gets feedback, and identifies action steps to be done before the next meeting.
One approach is to start with a quick check-in, where each member shares what they’ve accomplished since the last meeting.
The key question during this check-in is, what progress have you made toward your WIG?
Then, move on to the main part of the meeting, where members can share their work, ask for feedback, or seek advice.
Wrap up the meeting by identifying action steps each person is committing to complete before the next meeting.
Assembling Your Copywriting Cheer Squad for Success
In conclusion, a Copywriting Cheer Squad can be a valuable asset in your career.
It’s a support system that can help you overcome challenges, grow your business, and achieve your goals.
Setting up a squad requires identifying your goal, finding potential members, setting clear guidelines and expectations, and establishing a structured agenda for meetings.
Miller says, “It’s really cool when you’re all working toward the same goal, as you hit those milestones, and what you use the group for evolves with that.”
By following these steps, you can assemble your squad and start achieving the writer’s life you’re seeking.
Daniel G. Taylor is the CEO and Founder of Mayer Marketing Agency that focuses on delivering marketing results, not just promises. He’s been an editorial writer and copywriter for 29 years.