As a freelance digital copywriter, you know how to use words to transform a client’s business… to help them reach new heights of success and visibility.
But… are you doing that for your own business?
You’ve seen how copy, content, SEO, and social media can build a company up, drawing in new customers and attracting repeat business.
But, for you to do that successfully for your own business, you need more than just your writing skills. You need a specific way of thinking.
Because, without three key mindsets, you’ll have a hard time writing the things you need to write, learning the things you need to learn, and doing the things you need to do.
Let’s explore these three mindsets and look at specific ways you can develop them in your own life.
1. Embrace Continuous Growth
Growth starts with knowing you’re not perfect. It’s about being curious and asking questions… about not being afraid to acknowledge what you don’t know.
As a copywriter, when you have a growth mindset, you understand…
Opportunities are abundant
There’s always room to improve your skills, your message, your offer, your communication, everything… and because of that, opportunities for growth are everywhere.
Whether you’re soaking up free content, signing up for webinars and bootcamps, investing part of your earnings in new digital-copywriting courses, or simply having a conversation with a fellow copywriter…
There are countless ways to advance your skills, knowledge, and abilities as a writer.
Feedback is not personal
Your clients want you to succeed. Their business depends on it. That means you’re on the same team.
Every project is a collaborative effort. You help your clients by writing the best copy you can, they help you make your copy stronger, and that helps you serve them better.
Accepting feedback can help you tighten up any weak spots in your copy and, ultimately, make you a stronger writer. Pay close attention to suggestions from your clients, and when they’re good, carry them forward into other projects.
Failure is a tool, not a personal attribute
Even the best copywriters don’t beat the control ever time. Not even close! Your copy will fall short of expectations at some point. That’s a guarantee! It’s only a matter of time.
See mistakes, missteps, and failures as opportunities to learn and improve… and to keep your ego in check.
Effort is the key
Creating a successful company of any kind takes a LOT of work. Natural talent is useful, and it can make things easier, but you won’t get far without effort.
Learning to see opportunities, taking feedback and applying it, learning from mistakes, and working hard are all part of being open to growth. But, that’s just a start. Action is needed to get the ball rolling… and keep it rolling.
2. Take Decisive Action
Having a growth mindset is great, but it doesn’t mean anything, if you do nothing with it.
Intentional action is the next step.
And, yes, it can be scary… especially when things are uncertain and risky. But, action with a purpose is what separates you from someone who just hopes for success.
Here’s how you can take more intentional action in your business.
Prioritize and Plan
Write down key objectives for your company. Break them down into a list of manageable tasks. Then prioritize them and create a scheduled plan to tackle your goals.
Remember… building a company takes time, effort, and direction. An action plan keeps you focused and aligned with your business goals.
Experiment and Explore
Test new strategies and ideas. Create different types of content. Use new marketing methods. Play with innovative tools.
No business grows by being static. All current effective copywriting techniques began as an idea that was tested, refined, and tested again.
And, who knows… what you test this year may become the industry standard 10 years from now.
Take Calculated Risks
Whether you invest time by creating an in-depth content-marketing plan, or you invest money by testing out a series of ads to promote your business, you do need to put something on the line, if you expect to grow. Thoroughly research what you’re planning to do to minimize ignorance-based errors, but you can’t play it perfectly safe.
In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says, “Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires, through constant persistence.”
3. Persevere Through Challenges
To grow your digital-copywriting business to where you want it to be, you must overcome the obstacles on your path. You must persevere through failures and setbacks.
Some situations can feel impossible to come back from. And it’s super easy to throw in the towel. You might even say, “I’m done… I knew it wouldn’t work… they were right after all.”
But, every time you encounter a setback, tell yourself, “Not yet. I’m not done yet!”
To every problem there’s a solution… and likely more than one.
So… get up! Learn from your experience and grow stronger.
Embrace Failure
Figure out what went wrong and use it.
As long as you welcome failure, you can use it as a launching pad to propel you to a new level. But, if you fear and avoid setbacks, your growth will slow to a crawl.
Maintain Consistency
This is crucial for the development of a company. There are many things that need to be done on a regular basis for your business to grow.
Get in the habit of…
- Regularly engaging with your clients, prospects, or audience.
- Maintaining your marketing efforts.
- Creating high-quality content on a scheduled basis.
- Practicing and honing your copywriting skills.
- Learning from various sources.
Use Short-Term Goals to Reach Your Long-Term Goals
Write your vision down. Keep it within eyesight when you work, to remind yourself WHY you’re doing this.
Having direction is important, but setting short-term goals keeps you on track. You can set daily, weekly, or monthly goals.
For example, Rebecca Matter, President of American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI), uses daily goals to ensure her success. She separates them into two “buckets” — one for developing her skills and the other for building her business.
Creating a successful business is often a matter of good planning, consistent action, and stick-to-it-ive-ness. So, don’t give up!
Keep Going
Now that you have a better understanding of being open to growth, taking directed action, and pushing through trials… how do you shift your mindset to these perceptions?
One word… practice. Just like anything you want to excel at.
All you need to do is keep trying to have an open mind when it comes to opportunities… act when you need to… and never give up on your dream.
The good news is you’ve already started shifting your mindset!
Just by reading this article and understanding the information, your brain is forming new neural connections… and strengthening current related pathways.
Eventually, the mentalities of growth, action, and persistence will become natural and instinctive. And you can even learn to cultivate additional mindsets and habits to increase your success in the copywriting industry.
So, keep going and enjoy the journey.