Reality Blog: 7 Tips for Handling Personal Emergencies

One Response

  1. Thank you for this! As it happens, I fell last week and broke my hip. Immediate panic, not only for my emergency in the moment (the EMT’s were teasing me about posing on the front lawn in the shade) but for how I was going to communicate with my clients about what was going on.

    Thankfully, I only have a few people I needed to talk to immediately and was able to shoot off messages once I was stabilized.

    I admit I was a bit nervous about revealing such personal information but the response was truly humbling. Not only has everyone been understanding, but they also told me to put myself first and just keep them posted about what was happening. A couple of them are potential clients I’m right in the middle of putting together a detailed proposal to send to them. They assured me they were quite willing to wait and want to work with me, regardless of having to wait.

    I am now at a residential rehab and will be able to do light work as my body allows me while going through challenging PT/OT.

    Communication is the key! People will be amazingly understanding if you tell them what’s going on, instead of you ghosting them.

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