The Reality Blog: The Best Self-Promotion Tool For Shy Web Writers

7 Responses

  1. Hi Mindy,

    You are so right about keeping up with all the social media profiles, however I have been at this self promoting since January, and as you know I lost a couple of months mid year and was not able to update. I just wanted to let you know and the other WWW that it does work! I received two calls last week, both from companies looking to completely redo their Websites.

    I am interviewing website designers to do all the programing etc. and I am going to write as much of the content as I can, I’m kind of working as a general contractor.I will also collect a monthly fee to maintain the sites, send the email campaigns and sales letters.

    All because I started blogging and having the posts automatically tweet, I recently joined Facebook, I have been on linkedin for awhile but have not really done anything with it, now would be a good time start with your inspirational video being the kick I needed.

    Thanks for all tips and input!


  2. Hey Matt!

    Awesome news, thanks for sharing! Sounds like you’re living the dream. 🙂 I hope all the other members who read this post recognize that your success comes from steadily plugging away for several months. I also appreciate the fact that even though you had to take an extended break, the content you’d already put together was still out there working for you (meaning, it’s worth it to start NOW no matter what we all think we have in store).

    Very inspiring – keep up the great work!


  3. Hi Mindy

    Like you I’m quite shy in person… Don’t hang with the live-side of socializing too much … Yet very proficient with the Internet — it’s
    ways and ramblings.

    I’ve had two facebook accounts, two MySpace accounts and a Twitter account for several years now. Also, I’ve been with Linkedin a little longer.

    Problem is — except for Linkedin, I’ve only use them for socializing or playing online games. I’ve been thinking about starting a new FB account just for my professional persona.

    Don’t want to deactivate my other accounts because I’ve accumulated several hundred friends and acquaintances over the years.

    So Mindy, what you think kiddo? Any thoughts on this?


    1. Hi Teia! (Beautiful name, by the way).

      I guess it depends on your goals for your professional account versus the types of friends you have in either of your other accounts (just talking about FB here).

      For instance, I have two accounts right now: one personal, one professional. In the former, I’m very exclusive about who I friend, and that way I feel free to be myself and make ridiculous comments and post pictures of my son or of silly things I do in my spare time. I don’t talk about work-related things because my family and friends don’t want/need that kind of advice.

      In my professional account, I share a lot more about copy-related issues and news. I’ll friend anyone with shared connections, and though I still make personal comments and post the occasional picture, I’m much more guarded about what I put out there. It’s partly for privacy reasons and partly because I’d rather not have clients see potentially embarrassing/unflattering/ridiculous posts — not ones I make necessarily, but the things said by my relatives or best friend from second grade — things over which I have no control.

      If you can split your existing two FB accounts between personal and private, I’d recommend doing so — especially if one more than the other has connections to people in the business world who may at some point want to either use your services or refer you on. I wouldn’t worry about the past history your account has of games or posts — few people would bother looking at that. Plus, starting a 3rd FB account and maintaining all three might be a lot of work.

      But on the other hand, if you do choose to start a new one your connections will probably build pretty quickly – especially given how proficient you already sound at social networking!

      Hope that helps!

  4. Thank you Mindy for the sweet compliment and your advice. I believe I will be creating another FB account soon. May I add you as a friend/contact once I done?

    Have a blessed day

  5. I’ve noticed a large decline in Twitter’s popularity over the past couple of years. Would you still recommend investing time and energy into a new Twitter account in 2020 or focusing on something like Instagram or Pinterest instead?

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