marketing strategies Articles

person wearing black leather strap watch

Good Things Happen When You Keep in Touch

It takes time for your prospects to get to know, like, and trust you… which means you can’t rely on a single email message or LinkedIn comment to bring clients your way. What you need is a multi-touch marketing system.

QR Code on a table at a restaurant

How Digital Copywriters Can Benefit from QR Codes

QR codes open up endless new marketing strategies… which mean more opportunities for digital copywriters like you. Get inspired by examples of how you can use QR codes for yourself or for clients.

3 Words That Will Land Your Next Client

If you have clarity about what you want from your business, the next step is to learn the “make it easy” principle to ensure your prospects are eager to work with you.

How to Talk to Your Niche

Choosing a niche will narrow your focus and make marketing easier. But it’s only the first. Once you choose your niche the next step is to figure out how to talk to your niche…

time lapse photo of cable bridge during golden hour

Your 12-Step Roadmap To Becoming A Well-Paid, Working Web Writer: Module 6

How effectively you market your services can make or break your web writing business. Discover some of the many marketing options available to you, the best place to start, how to get yourself in front of interested business, how to build your online reputation, and how to use the growing relevance of social media to boost your results.