success habits Articles

drinking glasses with latte art

Member Update: The Value of Working Slow

Sometimes, you need to slow down and sink into your creative work in a different way. When you do, you give yourself the chance to explore the ideas and connections in a new way…

green ceramic mug beside book

Member Update: Meaning and the Flow State

Question for you… When was the last time you found yourself in the flow state? If it wasn’t in the last week or two, it’s time to push yourself a little to figure out how you can get into the writing flow more often.

person holding ceramic teacup

Member Update – Fearing the Right Things

Next time you’re feeling nervous, anxious, or afraid about taking a step forward with your business, think about what you might be missing out on if you don’t.

photo of spiral white stairs

Member Update – Challenging Your Commitment

Have you ever made plans only to have the immediately disrupted by new opportunities or unforeseen circumstances? Here’s how to stay on track even when you’re faced with a detour.

two woman sitting by the window laughing

Member Update: Unplanned Conversations

A lot of good things happen when you have more unplanned, unscheduled conversations. But how do you have those “I just bumped into you” talks when you’re working at home? Find three ideas inside…

man walking on bridge beside dog during daytime

Member Update: Going Small

Sometimes, you accomplish more when you go smaller instead of bigger. For example, if you have a hard time taking big vacations, start with small breaks, and build up…

person showing black and white compass

6 Steps to Prepare You to Write for a Living

Going from aspiring writer to professional, paid writer takes the right mindset and some basic organization. See six things you can do now to put yourself on the path to a professional writing career.

A yellow timer and a to-do list on a clipboard

The Amazing 50-Minute Focus Technique

Think about the last time you did some work on a client project. Were you “on”, totally focused and absorbed in the work? Or, did you find yourself occasionally answering the phone, checking email, grabbing a coffee, or what have you?