time management Articles

Intuitive Scheduling to Enhance Productivity

Do you schedule tasks for specific times and then force yourself to work on them even if you don’t feel like it? You could be compromising your productivity. Try this instead…

Member Update: Summer Switch Up

It’s okay to adjust your regular routine to better fit with the season you’re in. Changing things up can give you a new burst of creativity, head off burn out, and offer you a true appreciation for the writer’s life.

pink yellow and blue floral doughnut

Why Eating Doughnuts Is Easier Than Writing

The skills you need to manage your business differ from other life skills. But when you understand the role your mindset plays, you’ll be able to make faster progress and manage your time better.

orange-petaled flowers

Member Update: Let a Little Chaos In

You can’t plan for everything. If you’re trying to, you’re probably feeling frustrated more often than you need to. See how you can be more productive by embracing a little chaos.

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Member Update: Routine or Rut?

Are your routines turning into ruts? Here’s how to tell… and what to do when your trusted routines start to feel stale…