Member Update: Busy Work vs. Real Progress
Do you ever have days that feel high on effort but low on results? Often one of two things is the root cause. There’s a single solution that works for both.
Do you ever have days that feel high on effort but low on results? Often one of two things is the root cause. There’s a single solution that works for both.
So many things in life get better with practice. Creative thinking is one of them. Start trying these creative thinking exercises and see if you don’t start coming up with more standout ideas and innovative solutions.
Try taking an elemental approach to your self-care. Use earth, wind, fire, and water to recenter and refocus during your workday.
Building anything takes time, patience, planning, and action. That’s true for your business or anything else you’re trying to accomplish.
Staying organized is one of those never-ending tasks… one I admittedly struggle
Do you take advantage of the scheduling freedom that being a freelancer gives you? If not, maybe you should. It can increase your job satisfaction and your happiness.
One of the most overlooked secrets in marketing yourself is name familiarity. Find out why it’s so important and how you can cultivate it.
Do you have days where you attention span just isn’t as good as you’d like it to be? Try these three easy exercises to help.
In demand projects… short-form copy… quick turnaround times… and retainer opportunities. When it comes to email, there’s a lot for a writer to love…
Writing a strong call-to-action is an important skill to have as part of your writing repertoire. Start using these three steps to make your CTAs stronger.
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444