How to Be Everywhere in Your Niche

3 minute read

“Oh, hey… hi! So glad I ran into you!”

Before we were a couple — and even after — I used to engineer random “chance” meetings between my now-husband and me.

I’d just happen to be at his favorite coffee shop when I knew he might be there. I’d hang out with mutual friends and go to the parties he’d be at.

I wanted him to see me. I wanted to attract his attention.

And, I did. In fact, we just celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary.

I used the same strategy to attract the attention of potential web-writing clients in my wine industry niche… showing up where I knew they might be.

You can, too, for your niche.

I call this strategy “Intentional Visibility.” It means to intentionally make yourself visible, so your prospects see you wherever they happen to be. Like you’re courting them. Here’s how it works…

3 Places to Practice Intentional Visibility

Social Media

The social media platforms that worked best for me to become visible in my niche were Facebook and LinkedIn. That’s where my prospects are. If yours are on other platforms, that’s where you should be, too.

But, it’s not enough just to be on the social media platform.

You must also show up and be visible. Lurking in the shadows does you no good. You must participate and contribute.

Here are some ways to be intentionally visible on social media:

  • Post your own niche-relevant content.
  • Comment on influencers’ content to “borrow” their expertise and audience.
  • Participate in groups relevant to your niche.
  • Connect with individual prospects by commenting on things they post and/or by direct message. Have conversations, not sales pitches.
  • CONSISTENTLY SHOW UP to stay top of mind.

Industry Events

Most industries have organizations that hold industry events. Things like conferences, workshops, and trade shows. These are the “parties” your prospects attend. And, if they’re going to be there, you should be, too.

With most events transitioned online into socially distanced, remote-access versions of themselves right now, it’s easier than ever to attend. Virtual events make it a little more challenging to connect with individual people, but it’s still possible.

Here are some ways to be intentionally visible at virtual industry events:

  • Comment in the chat.
  • Ask questions.
  • Share your insights and experience.

And, follow up after the event! Follow-up is more important than ever when you haven’t physically met someone in person.

Guest Content

Providing guest content your prospects will read, watch, and listen to is another way to be intentionally visible in your niche. It has the added bonus of making you more credible, as well.

You can be intentionally visible by creating guest content for the following:

  • Articles — with a byline — for industry publications
  • Blog sites that speak to and serve your prospects
  • Podcasts your prospects listen to
  • Webinars or other online virtual workshops held by industry associations and organizations your prospects are members of

Being a podcast guest or webinar/workshop guest speaker is worth its weight in gold for establishing your expertise in front of your niche. These two are excellent, because your prospect gets to hear your actual voice and maybe even see what you look like on the webinar or workshop.

This gives them a better sense of you as a person. It makes them feel like they know you better than simply reading your words in an article.

That’s not to say writing guest articles and guest blogging aren’t valuable. Writing articles and blog posts is a great way to establish credibility and be seen by your niche. It’s what I did. And, it may be the easiest way to get your foot in the industry door.

Getting Started – The First Steps to Being Everywhere in Your Niche

The goal of Intentional Visibility is to get prospects in your niche to notice you. You want them to see you wherever they are, so you’re top of mind when they need to hire a web writer.

That means the first step is figuring out where they are.

  • What social media platforms are they active on? There is a difference between having an account and being active. A quick way to confirm if they’re active is to check the dates of their last 10 posts.
  • What blogs do they read?
  • What podcasts do they listen to?
  • What virtual events are they going to?

Next, you need to arrange to be there, too. Establish your professional profile on the social media platforms they’re on. Join the groups they belong to. Subscribe to the blogs and podcasts. Sign up for some of the virtual events.

Finally, jump in and participate. You don’t want to be seen as a weird stalker or spammer, so make sure your content is helpful. Don’t sell, but rather add value to the conversations you’re part of.

Give insights. Share resources. Become a contributing member of their community.

Become one of them.

It’s not enough just to be everywhere in your niche. You need to be seen everywhere in your niche.

And, not just seen, but seen as someone who can help.

Once prospects in your niche see you as someone who can help, the sky’s the limit for adding clients and growing your web-writing business.

It all starts with Intentional Visibility.

Let it be the foundation of your success, as it was for mine.