Member Update – Between Now and Then

3 minute read

This is the last Member Update of 2023… where did the year go?!?

First, if you celebrate Christmas, let me just say, I hope the day is wonderful… merry, warm, and filled with laughter, good food, people you love, and memories in the making. (Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I wish you plenty of days like that!)

And then, between now and the New Year, I hope you’re able to have some good downtime.

Here are some things I highly recommend when you have a little break from work…


If you’re anything like me, your year finishes off at a hectic pace. It’s hard to slow down and just be because there’s always something you could be doing.

But there’s so much value in sitting still and letting your mind wander.

If you can, make yourself a cup of tea (or whatever your favorite beverage is), slip away to a quiet corner of the house, and just daydream. Think about places you’d like to travel… stories you’d like to tell… businesses you’d like to launch… adventures you’d like to have… memories you cherish… 

You don’t have to do anything with your daydreams… but it’s restorative to have them.

Read Poetry

I’m so grateful I’m able to make a living writing copy and content. I love to write. I love doing the research that goes into writing something that’s useful to my reader. And I love that my work allows me to stretch my creative muscles.

But there are so many different kinds of writing. And one of the most overlooked is poetry.

Find a moment to go to your local library and check out a book or two of poetry. Start each day by reading a poem and savoring how it makes you feel.

Take in a Show… But Not the Usual Show

I love movies, especially in the theater. I enjoy that shared experience.

But I also like plays and concerts. I just don’t make it a point to go to those types of shows as often.

Over the break, if you can, take in a show that’s a little out of your wheelhouse. And if those kinds of show tickets are out of reach, check out Fathom Events, where you can go watch a play or an opera in your local movie theater for not much more than a standard movie ticket.


I enjoy journaling, but when I get busy, it’s one of the first of my good habits to find itself on the back burner. If you haven’t journaled in a while, try to get a session or two in between now and the New Year.

Journaling can help you clear your mind… see things in a new way… and let go of things that aren’t serving you anymore.

Get Crafty

Make something! I’m planning on trying my hand at making eclairs over the break. And I’ll probably do a puzzle one day. What’s something you enjoy that’s a hands-on activity? Sewing? Scrapbooking? Drawing? Beadwork? Woodwork?

Whatever you love to do with your hands… spend some time at that activity.

It’s so easy when we get some downtime to fill it with chores and obligations. Resist that urge and set aside some time this break to do a few things you’ll find truly relaxing. 

In Case You Missed It…

Whether you’re writing sales copy or educational content, a strong call-to-action is essential. In her most recent Web Content & SEO column, Jonna Jerome shares tips and tricks you can use for writing better CTAs. Give it a look!

Algorithms change. Google’s gets regular updates. Same for social media platforms. So, it’s a risky proposition to rely on a single source of traffic. In her newest Reality Blog, Jennifer Ayling explores how you can bring in traffic from multiple sources without getting overwhelmed. You can see what she recommends right here.

Welcome emails are among the most opened messages companies send out… and yet, so many companies don’t give these messages the attention they deserve. These make for a great break-in project… one that can deliver a ton of value to your client. Watch the recent live review of email welcome messages to see how you can add this project to your repertoire.

3 Things I Think You Might Enjoy…

When you can identify a blind spot that a client or prospect has, you can turn that into an opportunity. Rebecca Matter walks you through a simple approach.

Looking to pick your niche or make a niche switch? Copyblogger shares the most promising niches for writers.

The Content Marketing Institute’s chief strategy advisor takes a look back on 2023 and shares what he’s excited about in 2024. You can watch or read right here.

That’s all for now. Enjoy your weekend and the rest of the holidays!