Member Update: Dealing with Doubt

4 minute read

I’ve been at this freelance writing thing for more than two decades now.

Yet I can remember when I was first getting started, second-guessing every decision…

Hesitating when it was time to publish something or send an email…

Struggling with impostor syndrome…

There’s a lot of uncertainty when you’re building your own business, and it can really get inside your head, making progress a struggle.

But I’ll let you in on a secret.

It gets better. A lot better. But it never goes completely away. It hasn’t for me, yet. And I’ve talked to other writers who have been doing this longer than I have who still have days filled with self-doubt.

You can speed up your success by recognizing that self-doubt is part of the game… and by coming up with ways to keep moving even when you feel stuck.

Growth Is Part of the Fun

One of the things that used to send me spiraling into a sea of self-doubt was negative feedback.

Two things helped me get over that.

First, I had a wonderful Copy Chief who let me know when he had edits sometimes it was because he was so excited about what I’d written that he wanted to be a part of it.

Second, in my role as Managing Editor here on Digital Copywriter, I’ve been on the other side of the fence, editing copy from other writers. I genuinely want to help them craft the best piece possible. That experience has helped me see feedback more clearly.

The main thing to keep in mind is this: feedback helps you grow… and growth is part of the fun. I imagine five years from now you’d like to be an even better writer. Feedback is part of what will get you there, so lean into it.

You’ll Never Have a Perfect Picture

When you’re building your business, you have to take risks. Post something to LinkedIn, and you risk a negative response. Send out a mailing campaign, and you risk a small investment and no response.

But when you take those risks, you put yourself onto the path of opportunity, too.

The problem comes when we want a guarantee. If you want to be one hundred percent sure that building an audience on LinkedIn will convert to a full client load within the next six months, you’re unlikely to move forward… because that guarantee is not going to be there. You simply can’t have all the information you need to build a perfect strategy from day one. 

Instead of looking for absolute assurances that any one thing will produce a desired result, get in the mindset of, “If I do this, it’s more likely good things will happen than bad things.”

If I post on LinkedIn every day, it’s likely I’ll have more connections and projects in six months than if I don’t.

If I send out a pitch every day, it’s likely I’ll have more work in a month or two than I do now.

If I start publishing a blog every week, it’s likely my writing skills will be better in six months, not worse.

Practice Eases Discomfort

For a lot of writers, marketing and self-promotion are just darned uncomfortable.

But here’s another secret…

It gets easier the more you do it. You might not fall in love with marketing yourself, but you can get to the point where it’s easy for you to do. For that to happen, you need to act even when you’re doubtful. When you take consistent action over time, that’s when things will start clicking for you.

So embrace the doubt, feel the fear, and do it anyway!

Enter the Reality Blog Challenge

Digital Copywriter is in search of a new Reality Blogger for 2025.

Being the Reality Blogger gives you a chance to set an example and inspire hundreds, if not thousands, of your fellow writers.

And it’s also a big opportunity for you.

It challenges you to plan carefully… both your goals and how you’ll reach them.

It forces you to be accountable to an audience, which can keep you focused on reaching your goals.

It requires you to write regularly and to learn to receive and apply feedback, which will make you a better writer and a better businessperson.

And it gives you a steady, paid gig for the next year.

If that sounds exciting, then join in the Reality Blog Challenge. You can find all the details here.

In Case You Missed It

Whenever you write, your first few sentences are among the most important. If you don’t hook your reader’s interest early, you’re likely to lose them and then the rest of your effort is wasted. In her newest Email Marketing column, Michele Peterson shares strategies for writing an irresistible opener to your email messages. Give it a read!

Every purchase involves a customer journey. Some of these journeys are short and linear. Some are much longer and more complex. But no matter how short or long, they’re all made up of touchpoints. Learn more about what marketing touchpoints are and how you can use them to improve the user experience. Check my latest UX/CX Copywriting column here.

In her most recent Reality Blog, Jennifer Ayling shares a full update of her progress on launching her new website, refining her blog content strategy, building out her content marketing strategy, and more. She shares lots of insights and resources you can adapt for your own business aims. You can read it here

Won’t You Join Us? 

Don’t miss Monday’s interview with Suzanna Fitzgerald, a former Digital Copywriter Reality Blogger. She’ll be talking about what it was like being the Reality Blogger as well as how the roll influencer her career. If you’re interested in being our 2025 Reality Blogger, you won’t want to miss this!

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That’s all for now. Have a great weekend!