Sometimes we avoid doing the boring stuff because it’s, well… boring.
What do I mean by the boring stuff?
In your writing business, the boring stuff might be…
- Doing research
- Crafting 10 more headlines when you feel like you already have one that’s good enough
- Revising your work
- Analyzing good copy that other people have written
- Hand copying those pieces you identify as good
- Sending out connection requests on LinkedIn
The boring stuff doesn’t just come up in your writing business.
It comes up in your finances…
- Creating a budget
- Reviewing your spending habits
- Saving receipts for taxes
It comes up around the house…
- Changing the furnace filter
- Dusting the baseboards
- Cleaning out the dishwasher filter
And in relationships…
- Reviewing the division of labor around the house
- Talking about the budget you created
- Discussing calmly the things that are driving you crazy or that you’re doing that are driving your family crazy
If you’re like me, you’d much rather be writing brilliant content, planning your next vacation, cleaning the kitchen (because everyone notices when you do that), and going out for a romantic evening. You know… the fun stuff.
But it’s a commitment to taking care of the boring stuff that makes more of the fun stuff possible…
… When you take the time to do good research, it’s easier to write brilliant content.
… When you tend to the mundane details of your finances, it’s easier to save for your vacation.
… Cleaning the dishwasher filter makes it easier to get that sparkling shine on your dishes.
… And taking care of little issues between you and your significant other means there’s nothing nagging at either of you when you enjoy a quiet dinner together.
This week, think about the boring things in your life that you put off or avoid all together. Make a list of them — we all have them, so be honest. Then ask yourself, what is it costing you to not do the boring stuff?
The cost might be low enough for some of the items on your list that you decide you can go ahead and put them off without worry.
But for some, you might realize the cost is uncomfortably high. When that’s the case, make some time before the end of the year to take care of that boring stuff, so you can enjoy more of the good stuff in the year to come.
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That’s all for now. Make it a great week!