Member Update: UX Your Life

4 minute read

I’m gonna be honest… it’s been a hard couple of months.

There’s been the adjustment of my younger child entering college. On the wonderful side, Sam is thriving, enjoying classes, and performing in a play (which was so much fun). But it’s also meant new schedules and routines. Sam and I are workout partners, and while we’ve been figuring out how to coordinate our schedules, I haven’t been getting in my exercise nearly as consistently.

Plus, when you realize your youngest kid is a grown adult, it’s a joy, but also… a little achy.

And then there’s been the more difficult circumstance of my mom’s health struggles. My mom and I are very good friends. If I were to add up all the belly laughs I’ve had in my life and who I’ve had them with, my mom might top that leaderboard. Seeing her contend with chronic pain and loss of mobility… frankly, it sucks.

But all of this has made me realize how much love and support I have in my life. It’s one of those things you kind of know, but then it shows up in a practical, tangible way, and it leaves you feeling humbled and grateful.

One way to think of this is in terms of your own personal user experience (UX). Have you created a positive, supportive, satisfying user experience in your life, or is that something that could use a little work?

Check In on Your Relationships

Strong, mutually supportive relationships are key to your own personal UX. You need good friends, good colleagues, and, if possible, strong family ties. You can’t pick your family, but you can pour your effort and energy into your healthiest family relationships. And you can pick who you choose to spend time with.

The hallmarks of a healthy relationship are that it’s reciprocal, mutually respectful, and built on trust and honesty. In a healthy relationship, you cheer each other on, show up for each other in times of need, and work to understand each other during disagreements. And you give each other room to be your unique, authentic selves.

Give some thought to the people in your life who fit this bill. What are things you can do to put more into those relationships? And give some thought to other people in your life where the relationship maybe falls a bit short. Are there things you can do to improve those relationships?

Overall, put most of your time and energy into the relationships that lift you up… and be sure you’re doing your part to lift those people up, too.

Revisit Your Habits

You have a collection of habits. We all do. Some of those habits serve you, and some don’t.

One way to improve your personal UX is to review the habits you have, and identify the ones you’d like to let go of.

Breaking habits is hard, but it is doable.

First consider why the habit formed in the first place. It probably was serving you at one time. Then acknowledge that your circumstances have changed, and you no longer need the habit. Next, look for the things that trigger the habit and try to disrupt them. For example, if the habit you want to break is watching TV in the evening, remove the batteries from your remote control and put them in a drawer in the next room.

That little bit of disruption will give you the opportunity to make a different decision.

Assess Your Balance

People have eight general areas that need regular attention to feel fulfilled, connected, happy, and healthy. They are:

  • Social
  • Financial
  • Emotional
  • Intellectual
  • Environmental
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Occupational

Are you giving each of these aspects of your life the attention it needs? You don’t have to put equal effort into each, but it is good to occasionally assess if you’re neglecting any of them.

Spend a little time this weekend thinking about these three things to see if there are ways you can strengthen your own personal UX.

The “Build Your Personal Brand” Challenge

We have an end-of-the-year challenge underway. This challenge is all about building your own personal brand.

When you have a strong personal brand, you gain clarity on your message, the values you want to bring to your work, and the change you want to make in the world. When these things are well-defined, it becomes much easier to build a marketing system that works for you, to connect with clients you’re excited to work with, and to do work you’re proud of. So joining in is well worth your while.

You can find the details of the challenge right here.

And then, be sure to check out our Challenge Kick Off webinar, where you’ll get more details about building your personal brand.

Finally, give Raymond Zalusky’s recent article on personal branding a read. Raymond was one of our Bootcamp Spec winners and I think you’ll find his article very helpful.

In Case You Missed It

Writing reader-centric copy gets easier the more you practice doing it. In my most recent UX column, I take you through a process that will help you make sure your writing is focused on what your reader needs and wants without interfering with your writing flow. Give it a look!

As a business owner, it’s easy to always be looking forward. To your next goal… your next challenge… your next marketing method. This mindset is great for growth, but, in the rush to do more and be more, don’t forget to pause and celebrate your wins. That’s the message at the heart of Jennifer Ayling’s latest Reality Blog.

You don’t need any special powers of divination to know the only constant is change. The search engine landscape in particular is a shapeshifter… one that demands preparation and agility to keep your marketing content and strategy relevant. In her newest Web Writing & SEO column, Jonna Jerome gives you an overview of what to expect and plan for in 2024.

3 Things I Think You Might Enjoy…

In this Copyblogger post, Tim Stoddart looks at 14 insanely successful content strategies and talks through why each one is working.

Let’s say you’ve built an audience and now you’re ready to create a product to sell to them… This article on Problogger will give you some unique insights to keep in mind as you build something to sell.

When you’re writing video and audio scripts for clients, these three screenwriting tips from Content Marketing Institute will help you connect emotionally with your audience.

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend!