Reality Blog: How I Learned About My Tribe, and How You Can Too

8 Responses

  1. Andrew. Awesome ideas. I have had some interest in exploring Pinterest and you have inspired me. I am so glad you are traveling, writing, and learning along the way.

    1. Thanks Patricia, glad I’ve inspired you!
      Pinterest is under-rated. It’s a really powerful search engine and is even better, is visual. Many people use Pinterest exclusively when organising a holiday, wedding, renovations, how to start a blog… anything really.
      It has a few quirks, which I’ll be exploring as the year progresses. And I’m really keen to try Pinterest advertising. I’ll share my successes (or otherwise!) here.

  2. Andrew. That was one of the most informative articles I’ve read in a long time. There is never a shortage of articles giving opinions and theories but showing what you did and what the results were is amazingly helpful. I look forward to more of your adventures in the real world and online.

  3. Hi Andrew, Yes, I was surprised to hear how well Pinterest came out. I started on Pinterest with my teddy bears but got caught up in “other things” and haven’t followed up. I will now, thanks to your article. Keep traveling and keep writing! Cheers! Alice

    1. Hi Alice. Yes Pinterest is under-rated. People go to Pinterest to “find stuff”. It’s not really a social media channel at all. Rather, it’s a super-powerful search engine.
      One of the secrets to success on Pinterest is to pin regularly and consistently. I’ll be writing a whole lot more about Pinterest this year. I believe it’s an excellent way for start-ups like ours to gain exposure relatively quickly.

  4. I love reading product forums to get a better sense of the audience. They are such a great way to figure out what people are *really* thinking about a product … in a much more honest way than we usually have access to 🙂

    1. Hi Rebekah,
      Great point about product forums. I agree they’re an excellent source of honest information, written in the language “real people” use.

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